Sunday, 7 December 2014

Cracking the Obama Code

(Part 1 of a transcript from the Gene Darvas show)

Gene:  My first guest has written a very important book. It’s called “Cracking the Obama Code.  How to Tell When the President is Lying and When He’s Telling the Truth”.  Please give a nice welcome to author, Louis Roederer.

( Applause. Mr Roederer takes a seat across from Gene)

Gene:  Hello, Louis. I can call you Louis?  Thank you, Louis, for being here.  It is truly a pleasure to finally meet you.

LR:  A great pleasure to be here, Gene. I watch your show as often as I can.

Gene: Thank you. “Cracking the Obama Code.  How to Tell When the President is Lying and When He’s Telling the Truth”.  A very provocative title.  What would you like to tell us about your new book?

LR:  Well, Gene. The most surprising conclusion that I came to while researching the book is a little shocking – President Obama actually doesn't lie all that much.

(Gasps from audience.  Gene nearly falls out of his chair)

Gene:  What? Whoa. Whoa.   

LR:  Now hear me out.  While it does turn out to be true that President Obama doesn't lie all that much, it’s equally true that he almost never tells the truth.  And that’s what my book is all about.  I show my readers how they can know with 100% certainty when the president is lying and when the President, on those rare occasions, is telling the truth.

Gene:  Okay. Very interesting.  But, first you say he doesn't lie all that much.  Then you say he barely ever says anything truthful.  The man speaks morning, noon and night.  He’s always campaigning, fundraising, making these so-called landmark speeches, so what s going on?  Is he lying, telling the truth, or what?

LR:  Great question, Gene.  One that really gets to the heart of what my book is about.  And what I have discovered about President Obama is that everything he says, every word that comes out of his mouth, always falls into one of four categories. I teach my readers how to identify each category.  And once you know which category he’s in, you will know with  100% certainty if he’s lying or telling the truth.

Gene:  Fascinating Louis. Absolutely fascinating.  But as the old joke goes.  How do you know when a politician is lying?   Answer - When he says something.


LR:  Turns out not to be true, Gene. 

Gene:  Tell us about the four categories.  So, how can we break the Obama Code?

LR:  It’s actually very easy.  Everything President Obama says.  Every word.  Falls into one of four categories.  I’m going to list the categories and reveal the secrets to identifying each category.  And once you've done that, you have cracked the Obama Code.  And will ALWAYS know if the President is lying or if you've stumbled across one of those rare occasions when the President has slipped up and is actually telling the truth.

(Audience gets very quiet.  Gene leans forward)

Gene:  Go on. Please.

LR:  Listen carefully. The four categories are Blather, Regular Lie, Ridiculous Lie and Truth. 

(Mr. Roederer continues…)

Gene, you made a very telling point earlier when you pointed out that president is always talking but is never actually lying or telling the truth.  He’s actually not saying anything of substance at all.  He’s in the Blather zone.  This is President Obama’s comfort zone.  Generalities.  Rhetoric. Tripe. Reading speeches from the teleprompter.  Repeating talking points to his media friends.  Blather.  90 %, or more, of what President Obama says falls into this category.  Blather.

Gene:  But people eat up this Blather, don’t they, Louis?

LR: Yes they do Gene.  That’s why he’s in the Blather zone so often.  It’s where he’s most effective. But be careful, Gene.  The ones eating up the Blather are his friends in the media, his Democratic allies and, of course, his army of sycophantic followers.  None of these groups care about what he says, they only care that he’s saying something that sounds good.  I have a whole chapter about this phenomenon in the book.  If you’re looking for substance, some detail, some perspective, insights, forget it.  An Obama speech sounds like something a teenager running for class President would say. Empty platitudes.  But to his hordes of delirious followers anything Obama says instantly propels them into leg tingling ecstasy.

Gene:  Yes. So true.  So true.  Ok. What about the next category you mentioned?  The “Regular Lie”.

LR:  This is where it starts to get interesting.  President Obama will occasionally slip out of Blather and come out with a Regular Lie.  My book will teach anyone to recognize the Regular Lie but it does take a little practice.  But, I assure you, the practice will be well worth the effort. 

Gene:  Go on.

LR:  These lies are usually scripted to be read off of the teleprompter or are part of pre-arranged talking points.  These lies are often part of a campaign speech or you will suddenly see a whole bunch of Democrats on TV all over the place saying the exact same thing.  That’s usually a good tip off.  But here’s the secret to easily recognizing the Regular Lie – whenever President Obama says something that a typical leftie would think a Republican would agree with, then he’s lying.

(Audience murmurs)

Gene:  I see….

LR:  My research revealed one very important truth about President Obama.  That he’s a moron.  But he’s a moron with an important twist.  He doesn't know that he’s a moron.  He believes that everyone else is a moron except him.  It’s a very interesting dynamic.

Gene:  yes…yes…

LR:  So he will often says something that he thinks will appeal to the conservatives out there. Here’s a very simple example.  The president is constantly going around saying that “The deficit has been cut in half”. Any Republican would like to hear that right?

Gene:  And the rule says that whenever the President says something that a leftie would think a Republican would like – he’s lying!

LR:  Exactly.  This is a typical Obama lie.  His followers couldn't care less about what he says.  Only that he’s saying something. Anything. But a Republican will do the one thing that Obama would never suspect that anyone would do.  The Republican will check to see if what Obama says is true!

Gene:  Hmmm.  Yes.  I see what you mean.

LR:  The debt has exploded under this President.  Absolutely fricken exploded.  And every year the deficits are at historic highs.  Three minutes of research will easily confirm what is obvious to anyone with even a passing interest in economics or even a minimum amount of common sense.

Gene:  So why would the President even say that the deficit is cut in half??

LR:  You’ll have to read the book, Gene.

Gene:  Haha.  I’m reading it this weekend for sure. 

LR:  So just to recap.  The Regular Lie is one that Obama says because he thinks he’s saying something that a Republican will like.  There’s lots more examples in the book.  But I encourage your viewers to test this category out for themselves.  It’s infallible.

Gene:  So, what’s the next category?

LR:  The next category is actually a lot of fun. This category is called the Ridiculous Lie.  A lie so outrageous, so preposterous, that only an idiot could believe it.

Gene:  Like what?

LR:  The Ridiculous Lie isn't very common but when President Obama comes out with one, an informed listener can easily spot it.  Again, it bears repeating - his army of brainwashed trucklers don’t care what he says, only that he’s saying something.  The president and his handlers load up the teleprompter with something so outrageous, so ridiculous, that it becomes absolutely staggering that they think anyone would believe it.

Gene:  Like when the President kept saying that Obamacare would make everyone’s health care premiums go down by $2,500 a year?

LR:  Bingo!  Yes.  A perfect example.  A lie so bald-faced, a statement so obviously untrue, that it reveals a peculiar contempt for the citizenry.

Gen:  Any more examples?

LR:  A whole chapter in the book Gene.  It’s my favorite chapter.  But I encourage your viewers to recall those statements that the President made that are so ludicrous that it’s hard to believe that a grown man would even say it.

Gene: Ok, you've covered Blather which you explained was the category President Obama was most comfortable and where he spends 90% of his time.  Empty rhetoric.  Meaningless platitudes.  Republicans roll their eyes.  But Liberals fall into paroxysms of euphoria.

LR:  Mmm hmm.

Gen: And you've covered the Obama Regular Lie.  A statement disguised as something that a dull witted leftie would convince himself that a Republican would like to hear.

LR:  Yes.

Gene:  And the Obama Ridiculous Lie.  A lie so blatant and bald-faced that, and there’s no other way to say it, that, only an idiot could believe it.

LR: Yep.

Gene:  So that brings us to the fourth and last category in cracking the Obama Code – Truth.

LR:  Yes. And a very important category, Gene.  The whole book leads up to this category because it’s so important.  It’s very liberating when you can know with 100% certainty when President Obama is speaking the truth.

Gene:  So he does tell the truth sometimes?

LR:  He certainly does.  But I need to make a very important distinction before we go any further.  When I talk about “Truth” as a category, I’m very clearly talking about “Obama Truth”.  What President Obama believes to be the truth,   And that’s what really important,.  We need to know what HE believes to be the truth.  He’s the President.  He has a lot of power.  It’s important to know what he really believes.  Since he never explains what he actually believes, the only way we can get glimpses of “Obama truth” are when he’s off the teleprompter or when he slips up in a casual conversation, he screws up a question at a press conference where his handlers make the mistake of letting him take questions or maybe there’s a “hot” mike.  Something like that.

Gene: Yeah, those situations don’t happen all that often do they.

LR:  No they don’t.  Obama’s handlers have learned that they can’t risk letting the President off of the teleprompter or to take unscripted questions…

Gene:  because…because… he’s bound to say something stupid.

LR:  Exactly! And that, right there, is the secret to cracking the Obama Code.  The secret to knowing when the President says something that he believes to be the truth …is when he says something stupid!

(Gasps from the audience.  Gene starts nodding his head vigorously)

Gene:  Yes,  Yes,  So simple.  But so true. 

LR:  Think of anytime President Obama is “being himself”, he’s off the teleprompter, he’s mingling with the people , or when his handlers can’t get him out of taking a few questions at an overseas press conference

Gene:  And you say these examples are comparatively rare.

LR: Yes.  But I should mention that “Obama Truth” can be broken down further into two separate categories.  The first category is when he says something stupid to an easy question.  He should have kept his mouth shut but for whatever reason he feels compelled to say something.

Gene: Like pronouncing “Corpsman” -- “Corpse-man” or saying that they speak Austrian in Austria?

LR:  Yes. Two good examples.  And there are lots more like that.  Lots more.  These aren't slips of the tongue like Bush sometimes made.  These are examples of Obama not even having the basic knowledge that a functioning grown up should have. The book has lots more examples. 

Gene: These examples are pathetic in a way.  They show how dumb Obama is but they don’t really tell us much about his world view.

LR:  Right.  Take this example.  President Obama says, “The Cambridge police acted stupidly”.  This is a very stupid thing for the President to say.  He didn't have all the facts yet.  It’s inflammatory.  He throws away the opportunity to say something statesmanlike.  It’s just a stupid thing to say. 

Gene:  So that means he believes it to be true? Even with no facts to back him up.

LR.  Correct.  Or when Joe the Plumber asks him about taxes on his small business, the President doesn't address the details of the tax but instead he says “I think when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody”

Gene:  It’s stupid because what Obama says has nothing to do with the point the guy was raising but tells us quite a bit about the President’s political philosophy.

LR: Right again.  The beauty of cracking the Obama Code is its almost mathematical precision.  It’s simple.  Yet, one hundred percent reliable.  It just takes a little practice to recognize the categories.

Gene:  Louis, my producers are asking if you can stay for another segment.  Our audience has so many questions.  Before we let you get away can you teach us how to categorize some of President Obama’s most recent statements?  On Ferguson? On Immigration?  On the Middle East?  The mid terms?  And a lot more.

LR:  I’d be happy to stay, Gene.

(End of Part 1)
