Sunday, 17 August 2014

Quiz -- Could You Be the Next President of the United States?

Circle the best response.

1)      Why would Hamas deliberately endanger its civilians and children by launching rockets from schools and hospitals?

a)     Hamas is a depraved death cult with no regard for human life.
b)      Hamas sometimes resorts to unconventional methods in order to counter Israel's military superiority.
c)    I'm no military planner but I'd say it's because Gaza is pretty small

2)      A US ambassador and three others are killed in what turns out to be an orchestrated attack on an unprotected consulate.  Who is responsible for the attack?

a)      This attack carries all of the signs of an al Queda operation designed to kill an American ambassador on the anniversary of 9-11.
b)      This seems to be the spontaneous actions of opportunistic locals.

3)      Your spouse leaves elected office and immediately signs a $14 million book deal,  You sign an $8 million dollar book deal.  How would you describe your financial situation?

a)      We've been very blessed financially and are thankful for what we have.
b)      We certainly deserved it after all the sacrifices we made.
c)      We were dead broke.

4)      Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, who had given up his nuclear weapons program and had been relatively quiet for some years, was dragged through the streets and  brutally murdered by street thugs during a US backed uprising.  What are your comments?

a)      This entire series of events was not well thought out and has not served US interests in any way.
b)      We led from behind.
c)      We came.  We saw.  He died.  Hahaha.

5)     The scene is Andrews Air Force Base.  A Memorial Service is in progress to honor the four victims of the Benghazi terrorist attack.  You are the Secretary of State.  You are to meet with the father of slain SEAL, Tyrone Woods, who answered a call for help and was killed defending the US consulate.  As representative of the US Government you want to say something meaningful.  What do you say to the grieving parent?

a)      I am so sorry for your loss.  Your son died a hero’s death in service of his country.
b)      This seems to be the spontaneous actions of opportunistic locals
c)      I promise you that we are going to have the person who made that video arrested and prosecuted.

6)     Look at that iconic picture taken in the Situation Room the night Osama Bin Laden was killed by SEAL Team 6.  You are all gathered around the table watching events unfold.  The tension is understandably thick.  So thick that the Secretary of State has her hand covering her mouth.  Were events too much for her?

a)      I wouldn't read too much into anything. Since there was no live feed of the operation what are they even looking at?  And it looks to me that “you-know-who” was off playing cards or something and actually had to be photo shopped into the official picture.
b)      Osama Bin Laden was killed on Obama’s watch.  That’s what’s important here.
c)      I am somewhat sheepishly concerned that it was my preventing one of my early spring allergic coughs.

7)      You begin trading Cattle Futures with a $1000 investment and in eight months turn that sum into $100,000.   How could someone mange such a feat.

a)      They couldn't. It’s impossible.  The odds are at least 250 million to one.  This would be like someone buying their first pair of figure skates today and then winning the Olympic gold medal in figure skating tomorrow.
b)      Well, obviously we are dealing with a highly intelligent person here.
c)      I managed the whole thing on my own from reading the Wall Street Journal.

 8)     You arrive at the US Air Force base in Tuzla, Bosnia where you are greeted by a delegation, which includes an 8 year old school girl, for an official ceremony taking place right there on the tarmac.

a)      Just another photo-op.  Nothing unusual. See for yourself. The whole thing is on You-Tube.
b)      It reminds me of Eleanor Roosevelt visiting the troops.  Very inspiring.
c)      I remember landing under sniper fire.  There was supposed to be some kind of greeting ceremony, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.

  9)   You meet Sir Edmund Hillary at an official function and inexplicably blurt out that you were named after him. Even though you were already six years old when he climbed Mount Everest.  What is your comment?

a)      Hey, that’s what some politicians do.  Say anything to ingratiate themselves with someone.
b)      If you believe something when you say it, it’s not a lie.
c)      The story is true.  Remember, Edmund Hillary was also once a notable bee keeper in New Zealand.  Back in Chicago, my mother was always interested in bee keeping so she named me after Edmund Hillary the beekeeper – well before he ever climbed Mt Everest.  

10)     When you voted to give President Bush the authority to use military force in Iraq you said this:
“In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program.  He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Queda members…It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons.”

a)      Couldn't have said it better myself.
b)      Bush somehow manipulated the intelligence reports.
c)      My vote was clearly intended to show support for UN inspections only.

Evaluating your answers.

Mostly a’s :  You are a teabagger. Forget about running for President.  In fact, if you want to do something good for America, why don’t you move to another country?

Mostly b’s :  A little better.  You show some promise.

Mostly c’s:  Congratulations.  You are a true Democrat and the perfect candidate to be the next President of the United States.


(Prof C turns away from the computer and looks over to Rob)

Prof C: What is this supposed to be? Is it supposed to be funny?  Because I don’t get the joke.  Someone makes up a bunch of quotes and pretends that Hillary Clinton said them?  Is that supposed to be funny?

Rob: All the quotes are actual quotes

Prof C: Yeah, right. 

Rob: You can look them all up for yourself any time you want to.

Prof C:  All taken way out of context, of course.

Rob: Quite the opposite.  All taken in context.  Look them up.

Prof C: Links please.  Where are the links?  That should tell you something right there

Rob:  Yeah. It tells me you’re too lazy to do a simple search.  If this was a story about George Bush walking down the street with his shoes untied, all you lefties would be falling all over yourselves passing around e-mails with links to every leftie website in the world

Prof C:  Aah… I don’t think so.  That whole quiz is bullshit.  And I don’t need to look up anything to know its bullshit. Hillary will be the next President.  You can count on it.

Rob: What if voters started to realize these quotes are all for real?

Prof C:  Well, come to think of it, maybe one of the quotes is authentic,

Rob: …

Prof C:  Even if they were all true, which they aren't, listen carefully to this quote:  “WHAT, AT THIS POINT, DOES IT MATTER?”

Rob:  ....... well, you got me there.

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